United High School Staff

Ashley Satterfield - Principal
TBD - Counselor
Social Work
Ashleigh Magee - Social Worker
Kayla Smith - Social and Emotional Support Specialist
Support Staff
Cari Womeldorff - Secretary
Jody Sperry, Dayona Smith - School Nurse
Diann Bartlett - Head Cook
Nedra Forinash - Cook
Shane Earnest - Maintenance
United High School
Curtis Edwards - Social Studies
Caitlin Clutter - English
Roberta Bastin - Science
Susan Alvis - Math
Caroline Kwiatkowski - PE/Health
Misty Morgan - Business Education
Kim Holbert - Special Education
Brandon Sollars - Vocational Agriculture
Kathy Blankenship - LEA Teacher
Barbie Clutter - LEA Teacher
Option Pathway Program
Wendy Backus - Option Teacher
Melanie Tillman - Option Teacher
The WORK Program
Jan Snell - Job Coach
Matt McCullough - Job Coach
Evolution Program
Emily Tolley - Middle School English
Jordan Lewis -Middle School Math
Adam Hamrick - High School Science
Teresa Carter - High School Social Studies
Amy Hinkle - High School English
Belinda Vest- High School Math
The Phoenix Program
Adam Hamrick - Teacher
Kim Holbert- Teacher
Jacob Hayhurst - Counselor