About Our School
Welcome to our music class! We will be playing instruments, moving, creating, dancing and, hopefully, singing. Music class will look a little different this year. Sometimes, we might not be in the music room, but in your room, outside or in the gym. We will have fun wherever we are! You will also get to watch and participate in lots of singing and activities through our music videos on your computer.
Band class is every Monday from 8:00am - 8:30am. You should bring your instrument and book and, if you don't have one yet, come to class anyway!
More information can be found at Schoology in the Band file of Music class.
Strings/Orchestra class is every Friday from 8:00am - 8:30am. You should bring your instrument and book and, if you don't have one yet, come to class anyway!
More information can be found at Schoology in the Band file of Music class.
4th and 5th grade students have the opportunity to join choir. Normally, choir will meet once during school and once after school. With all the changes this year, we will have to wait and see when we can start. Our choir usually sings at the Meadowbrook Mall and for the Senior Citizens in December and has a concert in the Spring. Hopefully we can perform at those again this year. There is also the WV All-State Children's Chorus in March. When we get together, we will learn more about that. I can't wait to get started!
Contact information: lreese@k12.wv.us. 304-326-7060