Our District
School Board
Our Students
Child Nutrition
College & Career Readiness
Summer Programs
Our Community
LSIC Information (WVDE)
Our Employees
The Personnel Department is also responsible for hiring, contracts, certification, mentorship, transfers, promotions, continuing education credit, employee discipline, policies, procedures, substitute personnel, employee absences, job shadowing and personnel grievances. Likewise, the Personnel Department also ensures the county’s work place is free from discrimination, sexual harassment or any other harassment based on orientation, race, national origin, ethnicity, religion, age, disability or veteran status.
Harrison County Schools Information or Family Medical Leave Act
Legally Required Employment Posters
Information about an employee’s certification through the West Virginia Department of Education can be accessed through https://wveis.k12.wv.us/certcheck/. To secure downloadable forms for the certification process through the WVDE, visit https://wvde.us/certification/certification-info/application-forms/.
It is important that you contact Rachel Wilson-Moore, Executive Secretary for Certifications, with questions or inquiries during this process: rachel.wilsonmoore@k12.wv.us or ext. 7332.
National Board of Certified Teachers
One of the greatest rewards of the teaching profession is national certification. Additional information can be secured through www.nbpts.org/national-board-certification . Incentives for NBCT are offered through WVDE with information at http://wvde.state.wv.us/nationalboard/ . Harrison County’s policy regarding incentives for NBCT are identified in Policy 3211.
Highly Qualified Teachers
Reports on WV’s Highly Qualified Teachers can be accessed from the most recent to the 2006-07 academic year at http://wvde.state.wv.us/certification/data/hqt.php .
The percentages of HQT for individual counties and schools is available at this site as well.
Personnel File
Effective April 1, 2014, Personnel Office will be paperless. By the conclusion of the 2013-2014 school term, all current employees’ (substitute and regular) personnel files, including certifications, transcripts, evaluations, board letters, and documentation will be scanned into a secure and confidential software program. In July 2014, employees will have the opportunity to pick up their paper personnel file from the Personnel Office. By August 1, any personnel files left unclaimed will be shredded and discarded securely. At the beginning of the 2014-2015 academic year, all employees will have secure, password protected access to their personnel file.
Access your forms and personnel information at https://harcoboecentral.etrieve.cloud/.
Grievance Process
The West Virginia Grievance Board has designed grievance forms that should be used in filing grievances. The forms can be downloaded and printed in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF) at the WV Grievance Board website.