Our District
School Board
Our Students
Child Nutrition
College & Career Readiness
Summer Programs
Our Community
LSIC Information (WVDE)
Our Employees
Please see your school office for a printed version to sign and return.
It is imperative that Harrison County Schools maintain regular contact with parents. Parents are strongly reminded to update contact information, including a current telephone number and address, by contacting your child’s school on the next available school day to report the change(s). From time to time, it is necessary to contact parents/guardians regarding a child’s illness, an emergency, or disciplinary offense and action. The school administration will make every attempt to contact all telephone numbers on the student's contact sheet in serious matters as deemed necessary by the principal. If the school is unable to communicate with a parent/ guardian in a timely manner, the child will be turned over, at the end of that same school day, to the appropriate agency, including law enforcement and/or Child Protective Services.
What an extraordinary opportunity we have to touch the lives of children who will grow to serve our community and society as a whole. Our goal is, and will continue to be, preparing our children for the 21st century. All of our decisions will be made with that goal in mind.
Collaborative, technological, and leadership skills are necessary to thrive today. Traditional teaching methods alone no longer provide the skills necessary to acquire a career or advance into some form of post-secondary education or training. Our educators must be armed with the professional development, assessment data, and time necessary to make these skills a priority in our curriculum.
Unprecedented steps have been taken to ensure a decrease in “out of education” experiences for students in 2023-2024. Students thrive when in an environment of high expectations and support. The results of truancy, discipline, and dropouts pose significant challenges to us all. There is much that parents can do to solidify and grow collaborative relationships with our highly qualified staff to maximize the achievement of all students.
As we begin the 2024-2025 school year, I am so very grateful for the opportunity to share in your child’s impressionable years. I am hopeful that we can work together to continue to ensure that Harrison County Schools provides a quality education for all students.
All Students can succeed.
Education is the shared responsibility of the school, families, and community.
All schools should provide a healthy, safe, and drug free environment.
Everyone can be a lifelong learner and productive citizen.
Everyone should demonstrate positive character, civility and integrity.
All Students can succeed.
Education is the shared responsibility of the school, families, and community.
All schools should provide a healthy, safe, and drug free environment.
Everyone can be a lifelong learner and productive citizen.
Everyone should demonstrate positive character, civility and integrity.
Children & Youth in Foster Care (5111.03)
Entrance Requirements (5112)
Open Enrollment for Nonresident Students (5113)
Open Enrollment for Resident Students (5113.01)
Nonimmigrant Students & Foreign-Exchange Programs (5114)
School Attendance Areas (5120)
Promotion, Acceleration, Placement, & Retention (5410)
Administrative Guideline Promotion & Retention
Grading (5421)
Administrative Guideline Grading / Semester Exams
Class Rank (5430)
Graduation Requirements (5460)
Diploma Deferral (5460.01)
Early Graduation (5464)
Dual Credit (2271)
Alternative Delivery of Educational Programs (2370)
Virtual Instruction (2370.01)
Student Code of Conduct (5500)
Administrative Guidelines Discipline
Dress and Grooming (5511)
Health Services (5310)
Immunization (5320)
Use of Medications (5330)
Control of Casual-Contact Communicable Diseases (8450)
Pediculosis (8451)
Control of Noncausal-Contact Communicable Diseases (8453)
Control of Blood-Borne Pathogens (8453.01)
Minimally Disruptive Behaviors disrupt the educational process and the orderly operations of the school but do not pose a direct danger to self or others.
Disruptive and Potentially Harmful Behaviors disrupt the educational process and/or pose potential harm, danger, or educational detriment to self and/or others. The behavior is committed willfully but not in a manner that is intended maliciously to cause harm or danger to self and/or others.
Severely Disruptive, Imminently Dangerous, Illegal, and/or Aggressive Behaviors are willfully committed and are known to be illegal and/or harmful to people and/or property. (Specific behaviors are outlined in W. Va. Code §18A-5-1a(c) and the principal shall address these inappropriate behaviors accordingly.)
Safe Schools Act Behaviors are defined in W. Va. Code §18A-5-1 and §18A-5-1a. These laws require that the principal, county superintendent, and county board of education address Level 4 behaviors in a specific manner as outlined in W. Va. Code §18A-5-1a and paraphrased in this chapter.
W. Va. Code §18A-5-1 and §18A-5-1a require mandatory out-of-school suspension by the principal and mandatory expulsion for a period of not less than 12 consecutive months by the county board of education or possession of a deadly weapon, battery on a school employee, or sale of a narcotic drug.
Requirements for earning an athletic letter shall be consistent at all Harrison County high schools. A letter is an athletic award that represents consistent participation and performance throughout the season of the sport. Other, special athletic awards may be presented to those teams and individuals who demonstrate outstanding performance at a conference, sectional, regional, or state tournament level as determined by the athletic director at each school.
The head coach shall recommend the members of his/her team who have met the requirements to earn an athletic letter. These recommendations shall be approved by the athletic director.
The head coach shall provide the athletic director with documentation to verify the award of an athletic letter for every student athlete that meets the qualifications set forth in this policy. This documentation must be in written form and must accompany the recommendations from the head coach.
Student athletes who meet the requirements of this policy shall be awarded a chenille letter for their first recognition. Subsequent awards shall be recognized with the presentation of a pin specific for that sport.
Varsity Status. A student athlete shall qualify for an athletic letter on the basis of his/her participation in a sport at the varsity level.
Attendance. A student athlete shall attend all practices and games associated with their sport. Student athletes will be permitted two (2) excused absences per season, approved by the head coach PRIOR to the absence. Excused absences will be documented by a physician or funeral director. The student athlete must complete the season as a team member in good standing.
Sportsmanship. A student athlete represents his/her school and community and shall conduct him/herself in such a manner that he/she is a positive representation of his/her school and community. Failure to display appropriate sportsmanship at all times shall disqualify a student athlete from consideration for the award of an athletic letter.
Training Rules. A student athlete shall adhere to all school and sport training rules at all times.
Participation. A student athlete will participate in a minimum of 50% of all opportunities to compete at the varsity level, measured by the rules of that sport (e.g., quarters, matches, games, or meets) with the exception of cheerleading, which shall require participation in 90% of all games for football and basketball.
Under certain special circumstances as enumerated below, a head coach may submit a recommendation for an athletic letter award.
Awards for specialty position players (e.g., goalie, kicker, pitcher, etc.) may be recommended at the discretion of the coach, subject to the approval of the athletic director.
Awards for student managers who have been present at ALL practices and games may be recommended at the discretion of the coach, subject to the approval of the athletic director.
Awards for 12th grade student athletes who meet all of the criteria except participation and have been a member of a varsity team for at least two seasons will be awarded.
Awards for student athletes who have sustained a sports related injury during the sport season may be recommended at the discretion of the coach if, in his professional judgment, the student athlete would have met the criteria of the award if the injury had not occurred. Such recommendations are subject to the approval of the athletic director.
Harrison County Schools recognizes the involvement of parents and volunteers as a vital contribution to the success and growth of the school system. While Harrison County Schools shall encourage and promote the participation of school volunteers throughout the district, it is equally paramount that the school system simultaneously maintains an adequate level of safety and security in Harrison County Schools. Harrison County Schools employees, who have a criminal background check on file with the Human Resources Department, are excluded from this guideline.
Chaperone- a parent or legal guardian, as designated on the official school enrollment form, who is accompanying his/her child’s class on a single field trip, class party, or other type of occasional activity that is not overnight; chaperone will be supervised by a professional educator and will never be left unsupervised while on school premises.
Volunteer- a non-paid person, who has a vested interest in the school and is functioning within the policies of the Board during an event or activity that may include overnight travel; a volunteer shall serve under the direction of the professional staff of the district to whom he/she is assigned for multiple occurrences or events not related to coaching responsibilities; a volunteer shall serve without compensation of any type or other benefits accorded to employees of the district; a driver is a volunteer.
Vendor- a paid person, excluding current Harrison County Schools students, functioning within the policies of the Harrison County Board of education who shall serve under the immediate supervision and direction of the professional staff of the district to whom he/she is assigned to provide contracted services for the purpose of working with students in a specialist capacity (i.e. choreographer, vocal coach, designer, photographer).
To become a chaperone, volunteer, or vendor each individual shall:
Chaperones must complete a form that may be obtained from your students’ school.
Volunteers and/or vendors will complete the online application at: https://www.harcoboe.net/o/hcboe/page/vendorsmain.
This process shall be completed at each programmatic level (elementary, middle, and high school) of the child’s academic year.
Complete the Acknowledgement of Mandatory Reporting form yearly.
Adhere to the requirements of the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988.
The principal’s decision on whether to approved the chaperone, volunteer, or vendor shall be based upon the best interests of the school.
A rejected chaperone, volunteer, or vendor may appeal the principal’s decision to the
Superintendent or designee whose decision shall be final.
A list of approved chaperones will be maintained at the building by the principal.
Those wishing to become a volunteer or vendor shall also:
Complete a Criminal Background Check (https://www.harcoboe.net/o/hcboe/page/vendorsmain), at the expense of the volunteer or vendor
In order to protect the safety and security of children and school staff, volunteers and Vendors must submit to a criminal background investigation using the person’s name, date of birth, gender, race, Social Security number.
At the volunteer or vendor’s expense, or at the expense of the sponsoring group, an initial criminal background investigation will be completed. After the initial application and criminal background check at each programmatic level of Harrison County Schools (K-5, 6-8, 9- 12), a principal may request an additional criminal background check, at the expense of the Vendor or Volunteer Driver, if there is a reported concern.
After the initial criminal background check, Volunteers and Vendors must report any subsequent criminal convictions to the principal immediately.
If an individual refuses to submit to the initial or subsequent criminal background investigation, that person shall be ineligible to be a volunteer or vendor in Harrison County Schools. This includes a refusal to submit to all or part of the background investigation. To provide consistency in the district in determining the appropriateness of individuals working with children, the Harrison County Schools Department of Human Resources will use the same guidelines currently in place for reviewing criminal conviction(s) or pending charge(s) for employees in determining if a volunteer or Vendor is accepted or rejected.
Any person wishing to be a volunteer or vendor in the schools and who has been convicted of any criminal offense which constitutes a felony must be approved by the Board of Education prior to performing any volunteer activities or as a Vendor.
The Supervisor of Safety and Discipline shall submit a list of approved volunteers and vendors to the school principal for review.
Receive appropriate training in confidentiality (provided on county website with application).
Vendors shall also receive training in sexual harassment prevention, cultural diversity, English as a second language, and safety in the workplace (provided on county website with application).
The following is the procedure for calling off school due to inclement weather and the guidelines for delayed starting of school or early dismissal.
Deciding whether to close school, delay start, or early dismissal because of hazardous weather is one of the most difficult decisions which faces the administrative staff and is probably the least understood procedure in the school system. Because weather and road conditions will sometimes change between the evening hours and the time that school commences, many times a decision cannot be made until 4:00-5:00 in the morning. What would appear to be hazardous conditions at 9 o’clock in the evening may change during the night, depending on temperatures and the amount of work that the Department of Highway crews can accomplish.
Power outages, water line breaks, and other environmental factors could also cause a school closure, delay start, or early dismissal.
There is a definite procedure for making such decisions. Contact is made with the Department of Highways, the National Weather Service as well as with bus operators in various areas in the county. With this information, it is the responsibility of the superintendent and the assistant superintendent in charge of operations and facilities to make the decision for the opening or closing of school.
All buses are equipped with chains, and the operators are instructed, “When in doubt, chain up”. Drivers also have the option of deciding whether to make their particular runs. If, in their opinion, there are hazardous conditions in their area, they can contact the supervisor of transportation and advise him/her of these conditions.
If the decision is made to close, delay start, or early dismissal, an announcement will be made as soon as possible via Thrillshare, local radio and television stations as well as on the board website (www.harcoboe.net) and on the West Virginia Department of Education website (http://wvde.state.wv.us).
Finally, part of this decision must be made by parents. If, in the opinion of a parent, conditions exist in his/her part of the county which might be dangerous, he/she should definitely consider these factors in determining whether to send his/her child(ren) to school. Consideration should also be given to the length of time that the child(ren) wait(s) for bus transportation. Parents should use their own judgement if they feel the length of time is excessive. Absences due to parental discretions regarding inclement weather conditions shall be considered as excused absences. Therefore, schools shall not penalize students by reducing grades, but shall provide the opportunity for work missed to be made up.
In the event that hazardous road conditions or weather necessitate a delayed start of school openings, the following guidelines shall apply:
School opening may be delayed two or three hours.
Principals will adjust their respective school schedules to accommodate for the delay.
Lunch shall be as near the regular time as possible to coordinate with UTC.
In case of a two-hour delay, buses will run to UTC for the morning.
In case of a two-hour delay, there will be gifted classes.
In case of a three-hour delay, buses will only run for afternoon UTC.
In case of a three-hour delay, there will be no gifted classes.
Dismissals at the end of the day will be at regular time.
In the event that school needs to be closed early during the day, the following guidelines shall apply.
In the case of a two-hour early dismissal the UTC buses will run in the p.m.
Lunch will be adjusted so that students may have an opportunity to eat.
Principals will adjust their respective school schedules to accommodate for the early dismissal.
In the event that school is cancelled due to weather or other natural event the following guidelines shall apply:
Local news outlets/ media will announce if school is an Ice Pack Day or regular closure.
If an Ice Pack Day, students must compete the work assigned for that day. For example, if it is Ice Pack Day number 4 students will complete the work for day four only. Ice Packets will be made available to students with 5 days of work. There will only be 5 possible days called as Ice Pack Days.
All Ice Pack Day work is due the next regular school day.
If school is closed and is not indicated as an Ice Pack Day, students are not required to complete Ice Pack Work.
If school is cancelled or closed for any reason, all extra-curricular activities are cancelled.
Out of calendar days must be used to recover instructional days if non-instructional days are not adequate. Note: June 20, 2024 is a school holiday, however, it cannot be used for recovery if the use caused the total number of holidays to exceed seven.
Employees with contracts in excess of 200 days but less than 240 days will work the same days as teachers for out of calendar days except in the event that these employees cannot fulfill their contracted days. At that point, employees in excess of 200 days but less than 240 days shall work out of calendar days to fulfill their contract.
Central Office employees with contracts in excess of 200 days but less than 250 days will work on days when school is cancelled due to inclement weather or other circumstances unless at such point they would be excess of their contract or as approved by their immediate supervisor.
All employees with a contract of 250 or more days will work as usual regardless if school is closed or delayed.
On days when there is a two-hour or three-hour delay, all students will observe the two- hour or three-hour delay. All employees will report to work one hour later for two-hour delays and two hours later for three-hour delays, unless otherwise directed by the Superintendent.
If a two-hour delay is called, 200-day employees who report at 6:30am or earlier shall not report before 7:30 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. on 3-hour delays. Per Policy 8220, the Superintendent reserves the right to assign work on a day on which school is closed, not to exceed their contracted days.