Photo: Left to Right- National FFA Eastern Region Vice President, Mallory White, South Harrison FFA Member Mahaliegh Mearns, South Harrison FFA Member Taylor Smith

Photo: Left to Right- National FFA Eastern Region Vice President, Mallory White, South Harrison FFA Member Mahaliegh Mearns, South Harrison FFA Member Taylor Smith 


Indianapolis, IN (Saturday, October, 29, 2022) – Members of the South Harrison FFA Chapter Attended the 95th Annual National FFA Convention and Expo in Indianapolis, Indiana this past week. Students attended leadership workshops, national delegate sessions, received awards for the South Harrison Agriculture Program and competed in the National FFA Dairy Cattle Judging Competition. Members Mahaliegh Mearns and Taylor Smith accepted the chapter’s two-star National Chapter Award during the Second General Session. The National Chapter Award Program is designed to recognize FFA chapters that actively implement the mission and strategies of the organization. These chapters improve chapter operations using the National Quality Chapter Standards (NQCS) and a Program of Activities (POA) that emphasize growing leaders, building communities and strengthening agriculture. Chapters are rewarded for providing educational experiences for the entire membership.


Members Michael Radcliff, Spencer Nolan, and Ashley Martin competed in the National Dairy Cattle Evaluation and Management Competition earning a Bronze Emblem.  The Dairy Cattle Evaluation and Management Career Development Event (CDE) helps students develop skills in dairy cattle selection and herd management. Participants evaluate the cattle’s physical characteristics, explain their various classes and analyze a herd record as a team.


Teams of our four students develop skills in observation, analysis, communication and team communication through this competitive CDE. Each participant contributes to the team’s total score through both team and individual activities. For the team exercise, judges provide a dairy farm management scenario with problems and solutions that must be identified as if they were a hired consultant advising a dairy producer. As individuals, team members complete a general knowledge exam, evaluate and select six dairy animal classes, and provide oral reasons. Students in this event gain a greater understanding of dairy cattle management and become knowledgeable in areas that include animal welfare, biosecurity, business management, current issues, environmental management and safety practices.